I really appreciate your grounded and relatable approach to sharing the teachings. I read independently and listen to other teachers, but the way that you highlight the connections to neuroscience and teach with such humility and humour deeply resonates with me and always leaves me with so much to digest and sit with. The retreat in the summer moved me and created internal shifts that I hadn’t anticipated. It felt like an intentionally-created safe, welcoming, and supportive community, thank you.
— Nicola Mark • Vancouver, CAN
Whit, I am sitting here on a side street in Lisbon feeling my breath and being present. I just wanted to express my gratitude and love. My experience has been life changing listening to you and following the teachings. I appreciate you so much as a human being and I have never fallen in love with myself and the network of our being so much until right NOW.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Moving into this new moment, every moment, will be imprinted forever. I will always move love into all that come across my heart.
— Kevin Coyston • Victoria, Canada
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the Vipassana retreat. I needed some time to process the experience, but I can truly say it has had a profound impact on me. It brought me a sense of peace and clarity that I was looking for for the past 36 years.

Thank you for everything. Your guidance and teachings have made a lasting impression on me.
— Mieke van Engelen • Amsterdam, NL
My thoughts go to you every morning in my meditation, and I am forever grateful for the tools and techniques I have learned from you online and at the retreat. So every morning I think that I should write to you and let you know my appreciation and the gratitude I feel because my journey in life led me to you and all your knowledge.
— Nanna Vinje • Oslo, Norway
I’ve been privileged to have some very interesting and novel experiences in my life, but these past few days have irrevocably changed how I see the world and existence, forever.

I went into the retreat just hoping to leave feeling more calm, relaxed, and happy. But it’s changed my entire life - everything is the same, but looks completely different. I had no idea this was going to be the most important experience of my entire life - that it would give me my life. I’m so grateful I did not die before I got the chance to see my life for what it was.

There are not words to thank you enough.
— Alyx Monteith • Victoria, Canada

Dear Whit,

I came to the retreat without even knowing what wonderful things awaited me. The days were so well thought out and brought me to so many wonderful places, both in- and outward. It feels like a new world has opened up for me. One in which I see how beautiful life can be in all its shapes and colours.

I would like to thank you for your guidance during this journey, for your purity, your authenticity, your knowledge, and sharing your experiences. You have inspired me and I am very grateful for that. I loved how all the Dhamma talks came straight from your heart, pure and unfiltered. No copy sheet or PowerPoint presentation, but straight from the source. That reminded me how one can be in flow. You change lives and mine is one of them. See you at the next retreat.
— Laura Landman • Rotterdam, NL

Meeting Whit and learning from him have been, truly, the most transformative events of my life.
I cannot stress how much I recommend his offerings.
— Lucie Zajíčková • Prague, CZ

This retreat was again (at different levels than the previous one) life changing, LIFE CHANGING, I mean it.

Thank you for everything. You are gifted at sharing this knowledge through your own experiences, so, we, westerners can understand and relate. With so much love, purpose and passion your teachings come from a very grounded and authentic place, which can be rare in the contemporary “spiritual community”.

Your voice can be and will be received by a large audience. The universe needs you, we need you.
— Loubna Sfar • Lausanne, Switzerland

24 hours out of retreat and I find myself missing the refuge of stillness and the opportunity to slow down. Especially missing my daily dopamine-boost: your storytelling about the Buddha and Buddhism.

I came home a richer person with a deeper insight into the body and mind, and how I must take responsibility for my own well-being and stop creating my suffering. I will create my refuge of stillness through daily practice. A practice I will continue every day between retreats.

I will be forever grateful for having met you and for all the insights you have provided me through your teachings.
And, I totally agree with the fellow from one of your earlier retreats - this shit really works!
— Gøril Johnsen • Oslo, Norway

Your teachings have had such a monumental impact on me since I got home and I am sure will continue to do so. I can not wait until the next time I can join one of your retreats. I cannot express to you how beneficial this whole process is to me.

I tell everyone about how wonderful it was to have a teacher who doesn’t try to feed us all that woo-woo new-age instagram guru nonsense. Your thoughtful, scientific, and honest approach is just so exactly what people need to hear to get on board with this whole thing.
— Katherine Littleton • USA

This shit really works.
— Andrija Kurtic • Vienna, Austria

Deep bows and massive love to you, Whit.
May your teachings continue to touch the hearts of many as they have done for me.
You are some man for one man
— Sue Machenry • Vancouver, CAN

Whit, thank you so much again for the amazing retreat.

I just want to say again how thankful I am for the teachings you shared on the retreat and the opportunity to practice under your guidance. The retreat exceeded all my expectations and I feel it gave a completely new meaning to my meditation practice.
— Jiri Horvath • Czech Republic

I had a regular meditation practice before I met Whit and I’ve worked with many teachers.  Whit took my practice to a whole new level.  He has taught me to go deeper and to go slower.  He added the gift of silence to my practice. 
For me this has been a profound experience.  I’m very grateful for Whit, for his teachings, for his dedication to his practice and for his deep insights. 

Regardless of where you are in your practice I highly recommend working with Whit.
— Nina Baksh • Campbell River, BC

It has been an honour to receive teachings from Whit over the last 10 years. The evolution of his teachings is served by a deeply committed personal practice and experience based inquiry into the heart-mind and body. He humbly offers incredible insights and gentle, dedicated guidance to others on their path. I appreciate his ability to translate profound philosophy in meaningful ways.  I came to vipassana after many years of study in other traditions because I trust Whit to hold space for all that might unfold without judgement, and to support the process with great integrity. As Whit says, come see for yourself.
— Danielle Nicole • St. John's, NFLD

The first thing that struck me about Whit in my first yoga class with him was his enthusiasm and how he taught in a way that brought across his humbleness as a teacher of his knowledge. I feel fortunate that my path crossed with Whit’s and I have now attended four of his meditation retreats and several workshops. The same qualities of humbleness and enthusiasm have remained with Whit and his devotion to his practice is inspiring.  His manner of patiently teaching, and his humour, have made my meditation practice accessible and successful.  Every time I sit and listen and practice with Whit I learn new insights that are changing my outlook on life and my relationship with our culture and society.  I look forward to my next chance to learn from Whit.
— Fred James • Vancouver, BC

I live in the north of Italy, the epicentre of the European Covid-19 crisis. Everyday I have watched ambulances take neighbours to hospital. Every evening I’ve found out who passed away. The vibration of fear is everywhere, following me to bed each night.
Trying to run-away from this fear was causing me suffering. And one night I reached a point where I knew I had to stop running. I knew I had to look at the fear.
That moment began a process of liberation. I began Whit’s online meditation program and after one week was surprised by how supportive it is.
Ten minutes of daily loving-kindness meditation has had a big impact, allowing me to be more present, calm and able to hold space for others anxiety & depression during this difficult time.
The quarantine remains, my job is a distant memory and the fear is still there. But through my new commitment to meditation and learning to witness this experience with loving-kindness, what was a dark & scary time for me has turned into a peaceful & freeing process.
— Andrea Rozzio • Castiglione, IT

Whit’s online course confirms the power of consistent meditation practice. Through it I have learned to show up for myself no matter what and his instruction has given rise to an intimacy within myself I did not expect.
This is not some ordinary meditation course. There are hundreds of those.
It is evident that he is truly living the path and that is what differentiates this course from all the others out there. What a gift Whit is in guiding me to this most profound presence within myself.
— Jeanne Robinson • Nevada, USA

I have travelled the world to train with many teachers, but nothing would really change.
Since starting this course, anger, something that has always been a struggle for me, has been tamed, with no outbursts in months.
Whit, thank you so much for your teachings. I will continue with them as long as you keep teaching.
— Dolly Araquel • Vancouver, CA