An intensive with Whit Hornsberger (4 x 2-2.5 hr Session)

The path of Buddhist meditation is considered a science of the heart. It is a systematic methodology guiding us into the deepest recesses of our embodied existence for the purpose of uprooting the limitations of our conditioning, re-awakening our hearts to the interconnectedness of life, leading to the eradication of suffering.

A noble and courageous path, the training of the heart-mind can be an arduous journey that requires us to move towards, as opposed to away, from that which feels unpleasant and at times painful. The Buddha thus provides us with myriad practices to support the opening and expansion of the heart in the face of these inevitable challenges that arise upon the path. 

Considered invaluable requisites for the liberation from suffering, two of these such practices as taught by the Buddha are the Brahmavihārās (Divine Abodes) of metta (loving-kindness) and mudita (gratitude/appreciative joy).

In this intensive we will discuss the importance of, and experientially cultivate, the mental fortitude and resilience of the heart necessary for the journey of our human lives upon the Buddha’s path of spiritual liberation. 



Each session will include :

  • One Dhamma (philosophy) talk

  • The experiential cultivation of gratitude/appreciate joy through muditā meditation

  • The experiential application (meditation) of loving-kindness towards four different subject-objects:

    • Session 1 - Self

    • Session 2 - Friend

    • Session 3 - A Neutral Being

    • Session 4 - All Sentient Human-beings

This intensive is geared towards everyone. Regardless of meditative experience, spiritual or religious disposition, these teachings and practices are applicable to all beings born into the realm of embodied existence.